Registered Nurses, midwives and allied health professionals are increasingly looking for learning and development opportunities, to help them meet new challenges and pursue rewarding careers.
We offer Learning Beyond Registration (LBR) courses including single courses in specific areas for professional updating (scroll down to 'Modules').
We offer one degree suitable for healthcare practitioners: the BA/BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care.
The BA/BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care is a broader award for a wide range of professionals working in healthcare, social work or social care in the statutory, voluntary or private sectors. It is closely attuned to current priorities and the NHS modernisation agenda, and will help you to develop as an independent and reflective learner in the context of health and social care provision, policy and practice.
Many of our modules can be studied singly to update skills and knowledge in a specific area. They range from short, online professional skills courses in areas such as clinical leadership, change management and strategy, to modules covering subjects as diverse as end-of-life care, working with children and families, life sciences, public health and enhancing the patient experience.
There are a wide range of options available – follow these links to see what’s on offer:
Complete list of undergraduate health and social care courses (scroll down to 'Modules')
Complete list of postgraduate courses
For further information and any queries about the Nursing programme,
Explore our qualifications and courses by requesting one of our prospectuses today.
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