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Web of science - exported 12/7/2016

Tailored e-Health services for the dementia care setting: a pilot study of 'eHealthMonitor'

Background: The European eHealthMonitor project (eHM) developed a user-sensitive and interactive web portal for dementia care: the eHM Dementia Portal (eHM-DP). It aims to provide targeted and personalized support for informal caregivers of people with dementia in a home-based care setting. The objective of the pilot study was to obtain feedback on the eHM-DP from two user perspectives (caregivers and medical professionals), focusing on caregiver empowerment, decision aid, and the perceived benefits of the eHM-DP.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Care, Monitoring, and Companionship: Views on Care Robots from Older People and Their Carers

This paper is a discussion of some of the ethical issues relevant to the use of social robots to care for older people in their homes, drawing on qualitative data collected as part of the Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNg Years project. We consider some of the tensions that can be created between older people, their formal (professional) carers, and their informal carers (for example friends or relatives), when a care robot is introduced into the home of an older person.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Nurses' experience of delivering a supportive intervention for family members of patients with lung cancer

Families contribute to maintaining the well-being of people with cancer through providing emotional and practical support, frequently at significant cost to their own well-being, and often with little help from healthcare professionals. This paper describes nurses' experience of providing an innovative service to support the families of people with lung cancer. A process of group reflection by the three nurses involved in delivering the intervention has produced an autoethnographic account of taking part in this study.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Transforming nursing home-based day care for people with dementia into socially integrated community day care: Process analysis of the transition of six day care centres

Background: The community-based Meeting Centres Support Programme for people with dementia and their carers has been proven more effective in influencing behaviour and mood problems of people with dementia and improving sense of competence of carers compared to nursing home-based day care centres for people with dementia. Six Dutch nursing home-based day care centres were transformed into Community-based day care centres with carer support, according to this Meeting Centres model.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

'Ageing-in-place': Frontline experiences of intergenerational family carers of people with dementia

The success of 'ageing-in-place' aged care policy in Australia relies heavily on the unpaid work of informal carers. While there is a wealth of research regarding informal carers more generally, we know relatively little about the experiences of the 'sandwich generation': Adult children (mainly daughters) who provide care for a parent while often juggling paid work and the care of their own children or grandchildren. In this paper I undertake a critical analysis of 'ageing-in-place' policy through the lens of 'sandwich generation' carers of people with dementia.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

A Desire to Be Seen Family Caregivers' Experiences of Their Caring Role in Palliative Home Care

Primary health care is the base of Swedish healthcare, and many terminally ill patients are cared for at home. A dying relative has a profound impact on his/her family members' situation, including negative effects on roles, well-being, and health. The aim of this study was to explore how the informal carers of a dying relative in palliative home care experienced their caring role and support during the patient's final illness and after death. Fourteen family members were selected in 4 primary health care areas in Sweden. Data were collected using open, tape-recorded interviews.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Lung cancer, caring for the caregivers. A qualitative study of providing pro-active social support targeted to the carers of patients with lung cancer

Introduction: Carers of patients with lung cancer often have a short time to access the support they require. The Macmillan Carers Project (MCP) was set up to provide non-clinical social support targeted in the community to the carers of patients with lung cancer and this study describes its evaluation. Methods: Prospective case study using interviews with the carers, project workers and health and social care professionals to obtain qualitative data for thematic analysis.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

What is a person-centred approach? Familiarity and understanding of individualised funding amongst carers in New South Wales

Person-centred approaches place individuals with a disability at the centre of decision making, with their carers and family invited to be partners in the process. Rather than being required to fit within existing service programs, person-centred approaches enable individuals to choose the support options that best meet their needs. In order to facilitate this, person-centred approaches will be accompanied by the introduction of individualised funding. This means the individual will be provided with funding to purchase services of their choosing.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Mental health care in Germany: carers' perspectives

Objective: To assess the mental health care system in Germany from the point of view of the federal association of family carers of people with mental illness. Method: Family carer involvement and perspective are discussed on the basis of available literature, questionnaire surveys and documents of carer organizations. Results: At the beginning of the reform movement the views of informal carers were not discussed. Since 1985 family carers have joined forces to express their views on needs of the severely mentally ill and their carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

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