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The research priorities of the Centre are clustered around five broadly distinct but deeply interconnected domains that we call Research Hubs.
Important themes such as gender, identities, ethnicity, and diversity recur and cut across each of these domains. Research Hubs bring a robust and complementary offering of development research and a critical mass of expertise to undertake large-scale research to produce insights for global development. Research Hubs also synthesise the current research in their area to identify and frame future research agendas. Membership of Research Hubs is voluntary, and colleagues are encouraged to engage with the work and activities of multiple Hubs to encourage dialogue around synergies and opportunities for collaboration.


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Health and Wellbeing

We explore diversity and inequality in health and wellbeing from the cradle to the grave.

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Language and Society

We research how language and culture enable or hinder equality, justice and fairness in times of rapid social change worldwide.

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Learners and Learning

We research the learning that takes place in schools, informal and community settings and its impact on children, young people and educators.

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Poverty, Inequality and Social Protection

We aim to enhance our understanding of the experiences, drivers and dynamics of poverty, and how social protection or welfare policies can meaningfully engage with these to reduce poverty in a dignified and empowering manner.

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Professional Learning and Technology

We explore the ways in which accessible technologies can be harnessed to improve professional learning and practice for front-line workers in health and education, often in challenging circumstances.

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Youth and Transitions

We focus on how young people manage transitions toward adulthood in diverse and often challenging circumstances.

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Twitter: @OU_CSGD

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