Youth Mainstreaming Training Programme
This youth training programme (comprising 4 self-paced courses) will equip learners with knowledge and tools to mainstream youth concerns, priorities and perspectives into all policies, programmes, and decision-making processes.
Commonwealth Youth Mainstreaming Training Programme
Race and Youth Policy: Working with Young People
This OpenLearn short course examines current, as well as historical, youth policy and practice from a critical race theoretical perspective.
Race and Youth Policy: working with young people
Working with young people: Roles and responsibilities
This free OpenLearn course explores the variety of roles that are taken when working with young people.
Working with young people free course
Understanding research with children and young people
This free OpenLearn course is an introduction to research with and by children and young people.
Understanding research with children and young people free course
Drugs Map of Britain
Dr Anthony Gunter and Dr Stuart Taylor explore some important questions about illegal drug-use, how we manage it, and what impact its having on society.
Drugs Map of Britain
What would you do?
Being black and British in...
Dr Naomi Watson, Dr Anthony Gunter and Dr Ayobami Ilori explore what its like to be black and British, through four lenses; The healthcare, criminal justice, education and economic systems.
Being Black and British
Missing grades, missed opportunities? The Impact of exam cancellation among elective home education families
In this episode of the BERA Podcast series, Dr Amber Fensham-Smith (The Open University) interviews Joanna Merrett (University of Exeter) about the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on elective home education families.
Missing grades? Missed opportunities podcast
United Nations' World Youth Report.
This report offers useful material and practical insights on how to enhance youth participation in migration policy and practice.
World Youth Report
Should we really call this home schooling? Reflections from the research field
Within the current context, the term ‘home schooling’ is often deployed in a blanket way to describe what is likely to be a plethora of activities and methods of teaching and learning largely ‘at home’.
Should we really call this homeschooling article
Black Youth experiences beyond criminal (in)justice statistics (OpenLearn)
Dr Anthony Gunter draws on his ethnographic research and experience as a community and youth work practitioner to give us the real experiences of Black young people and the justice system.
Black Youth experiences article
Knife Crime is a health risk (OpenLearn)
In this article, the author argues that the way to respond to stabbing deaths among young people is to improve their life chances and opportunities, by investing in education, health and welfare services for all.
Knife crime is a health risk article
'You had to pick a side': Growing up in gangland
This article is part of a week-long series examining how guns and gangs impact neighbourhoods across the Greater Toronto Area. Adam Ellis didn’t set out to become a gangster. He was just a kid — young and bullied — when he decided he needed backup to go to school safely. His journey to becoming a gang member began with the barrel-end of a gun pointed at him and before long he was toting a gun around in his backpack.
You had to pick a side, growing up in gangland article
Solving Toronto's gun problem: U of T researcher draws on gang experience in Toronto Star op-ed
In response to escalating gun violence in Toronto last year, the city adopted a public health approach to gun violence. That includes a version of the Interrupters program, which has been used in Chicago.
Solving Toronto's gun problem article
The impact of COVID-19 on Black children and young people living in London
Dr Michael Boampong, Lecturer in Childhood and Youth Studies in the OU’s Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS), has received £10,000 from the OU’s COVID-19 Rapid Response funding scheme to run a pilot study which will explore how the pandemic is affecting Black young migrants and those of Black British African-Caribbean backgrounds.
The impact of COVID-19 on Black children and young people living in London article
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