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20 April 2023

More Than Talk: Perspectives of Black and People of Colour (BPOC) working in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in the United Kingdom (UK) Book Launch

Event brochure

On Thursday 20th April 2023, a celebration event took place at the Black Cultural Archives in Brixton to recognise the launch of the co-edited anthology, More Than Talk: Perspectives of Black and People of Colour (BPOC) working in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in the United Kingdom (UK)

During the pandemic, Rianna, editor of the anthology, coordinated a space for colleagues and friends working in sexual and reproductive health to reflect on their practice and talk about some of the joys and challenges of working in the sector. The event was hosted by Emmanuella Okha who held conversations with the book editor and some of the book contributors namely Dr. Jenny Douglas, Francesca Thomas, Harvey Kennedy-Pitt and Dr Uzochi Nwaosu. 

This event will hopefully be one of many and aims to provide a space for communities to engage with some of the themes and topics shared in the book with the intention of honouring the stories and experiences of people and communities as it relates to sexual and reproductive health.

"It was a real honour to have people trust me with their words and come together in one space to have a conversation with the panelist and communities about the book. I'm really proud of what has been created and feel really humbled by how well the event was received in the community. I'm looking forward to having more conversations like this now and in the future with the hope that we can shine a light on some of the challenges we experience as activists, practitioners, educators and health care staff, but also discuss how we can redesign and create solutions to meet the needs of communities long term. I'm super grateful to the The Black Women’s Health & Wellbeing Research Network and the Research and Development Fund of the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies at the Open University for sponsoring the event and to all the panelists who came out on the night to participate and support the work. This is just the beginning."


19 November 2022

Jenny Douglas: Review of Black Women's Health & Wellbeing in the UK


Jenny Douglas: Plumer Lecture - YouTube

17 June 2021

Black Women's Health Wellbeing Research Network - 10th Anniversary Seminar - Berrill Stadium

8 March 2021

Health and Wellbeing of Black Women in the Atlantic diaspora: conversations across the Atlantic

28 January 2021

Open University's BME Researchers Group: Dismantling racial inequalities in Higher Education
We were delighted to have over 200 guests join us last month (28 January 2021) for “Dismantling Racial Inequalities in Higher Education”, the first in a series of events hosted by The Open University’s newly-created Black and Minority Ethnic Researchers Group. The BME Researchers Group is part of the Teaching, Research and Curriculum Pillar of the OU BME Staff Network and discusses research and scholarship around race, ethnicity, coloniality and decolonisation. The seminar series was launched by Baroness Valerie Amos (Master, University College, University of Oxford) and was the first formal event to welcome the OU’s new Dean of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Professor Marcia Wilson. The event was chaired by Dr Jenny Douglas, Senior Lecturer in Health Promotion and Chair of the BME Researchers Group. We were also joined by Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu from University College London and Professor Dawn Edge from Manchester University. The launch was designed for those interested in widening their knowledge on the broader cultural perspectives at the core of the disparity for BME communities and explore cases of best practice in the Higher Education sector. The BME outcome gap, in particular the degree-awarding gap, has now been recognised as a pressing priority for the Higher Education sector. Research across the sector shows that the lack of BME academics, particularly in relation to BME professors in higher education is closely linked to the degree-awarding gaps. Approaches for addressing these gaps remain underdeveloped and, where there are strategies, they are not straightforward. The seminar programme aims to help attendees gain deeper insight into these gaps and explore solutions for closing BME outcome gaps within Higher Education. The events are open to all who are interested in debate and discussion around different epistemologies including Black feminist, intersectional and critical race approaches.

View the presentation by Prof Marcia Wilson
View the presentation by Prof Ijeoma Uchegbu
View the presentation by Prof Dawn Edge`

23 September 2019
Black Mothers & Childbirth A Reproductive Sankofa...
Featuring keynotes by Professor Dorothy Roberts JD and Jennie Joseph, Midwife

16 December 2017
Seminar and book launch – Inside the Ivory Tower
Including the launch of the Black Women's Health & Wellbeing Research Network website

15 March 2017
Black Women’s Health and Wellbeing: A seminar to explore the health and wellbeing of black women in the UK and the diaspora

23 June 2016
Black Women’s Health Matters

19 June 2015
Black Girls Matter

3 December 2014
Intersectionality and Public Health

3-7 June 2013
Migration, Health & Diasporic Identities Panel Presentation: 38th Caribbean Studies Association Conference, Grenada

30 October 2012
Black Women’s Health and Wellbeing in the UK. ‘Sick and tired of being sick and tired’

Professor Laura Serrant-Green

Q and A

29 June 2011
Black Women’s Health and Wellbeing in the UK

Session 1
Jenny Douglas (Open University) – 'The politics of black women's health in the UK-intersections of 'race', class and gender in policy, practice and research.
Dr Dawn Edge(Manchester University) – 'Why are thou cast down, o my soul' – Black women, depression and spirituality.
Naomi Watson (Open University) – 'We never saw her on Christmas morning for …17 years….' Exploring the impact of shift work, night duty and unsocial hours in the NHS on the family life of African Caribbean women nurses and the implications for childrearing and their children’s career choices.

Session 2
Ann Mitchell (Open University) – ''Assessing the contribution of participatory action research 'Myth or Reality': a research study of Guyanese women living in the UK with Type 11 Diabetes.
Dr Vivienne Connell-Hall (Goldsmith’s College) Work/Life Balance and Pressures: Perspectives from African Caribbean Women.

Session 3
Dr Bertha Ochieng (Bradford University) Black women's beliefs on health and healthy lifestyles.
Dr Nancy Greer Williams (University of Arkansas) Health Disparities: African-Caribbean Women and the Intersection of Culture, Class and Race.
Jacqueline Walker (author of 'Pilgrim State') 'Writing the experience of resistance and Resilience'.