Large and diverse group of people seen from above gathered together in the shape of man helping elder

Carers research group

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  6. Evidence, theorisation and education

Evidence, theorisation and education

Mary Larkin leads this subgroup and it focusses primarily on the following areas:

Evidence-based carer policy: Carer Research and Knowledge Exchange Network (CAREN), carer policy, under-researched carers (eg carers of people with type 2 diabetes, ageing carers of people with learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge), carer knowledge  generation, carer inclusion, ageing without children

Caring in higher education: student carers, student carer policy and support , staff who care policy and support , carer- friendly Higher Education Institutions, carers and widening access

Theorising care: ethic of care, care and surveillance, post-caring, carer empowerment, the politics of care


Current and former doctoral students

Sarah Balchin (2021, PhD) Thesis: Suddenly a carer - understanding the lived experience of abrupt transition from family member to family carer after a sudden change in the physical health care needs of a family member – an interpretive phenomenological analysis study 

Anne Turner (2017, PhD) (Grand Union ESRC DTP) Thesis: The lived experiences and psychosocial needs of carers of people with type 2 diabetes 

Louise Oldridge (2014-18, PhD) Thesis: Care (ers) in crisis? An examination of the career and care experiences of mid-life women who combine formal employment and informal caring of a dependent adult