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Emotion and Translation

This website has been developed as a hub to share resources, knowledge, and research about the role and impact of emotions in the translation professions. Combining ideas, insights, and expertise from the disciplines of translation studies and psychology, this website hosts and shares research findings, webinars, and other key events and resources. As emotions are a growing area of interest to both translation researchers and practitioners, we hope you will find this website useful in advancing our understanding of the topic.

Designed to host resources created as part of a Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) project grant, the site aims to increase awareness and knowledge around emotion management in the language professions. As the site develops more resources will be added, so keep coming back! We hope you will feel inspired. 

Principal Investigator

Translation & Emotion is an interdisciplinary research project created by Dr. Séverine Hubscher-Davidson, Senior Lecturer and Head of Translation at The Open University (UK), a certified coach, and the author of Translation and Emotion - A Psychological Perspective published by Routledge in 2017. With qualifications in both translation studies and psychology, Séverine has been researching translators' emotions and individual traits since 2002. In 2020, she was awarded a £45,789 Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) grant to create professional development courses on the topic of emotion management for linguists. In 2021 she also co-authored the volume Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Translators: A Roadmap for an Experimental Training Intervention.


Get Involved

If you would like to get in touch about any aspect of the projects discussed on this site, please write to Dr Hubscher-Davidson.