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Work packages


The research uses a mix of methods; interviews, a survey, observations, analysis of documents about the fitness to practise process in 6 regulators and working with their regulator, the Professional Standards Authority.

The research will examine the experiences of patient/ family/ and colleague witnesses in the different stages of FtP processes; analyse the resources and support services provided by regulators for witnesses and the public; identify if and how these could be improved; co-develop, and co-design ‘good practice’ guidance and resources for a range of stakeholders, namely the public, regulators, health and social care employers, and regulated practitioners.

Work Packages

Please note the below will download as PDF files.

Briefing 1 - Project Overview

Briefing 2 - Work Package 1

Briefing 3 - Work Package 2

Briefing 4 - Work Package 3 and 4

Plain English summary