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  4. Professional programme in Social Work
  5. BA (Hons) in Social Work Scotland
  6. Entry requirements

Entry requirements

The Scottish Social Services Council requires that all candidates meet basic entry criteria. All candidates must therefore:

  • have Standard Grade Two in English and Maths (or a recognised equivalent)
  • provide evidence of ability to understand and communicate in written and spoken English
  • demonstrate that you have appropriate personal and intellectual qualities to train as a social worker
  • take part in an interview
  • register as a student social worker with the SSSC, which includes a Disclosure Scotland check
    – candidates and sponsors are required to inform the Head of Social Work, Scotland of any convictions or alternatives to convictions at the point of application and to send a copy of the completed Disclosure Scotland when received back from the SSSC.


All applicants for the Social Work programme must have a formal interview before they can be accepted on to the programme. The purpose of the interview is to ensure that candidates have a commitment to the value base of social work, understand the role of a social worker, have the ability to reflect on their work and experience and learn from them, have the ability to communicate clearly in English and have the potential to gain the Social Work degree.

Most Scottish sponsors will have been approved by the University to undertake initial selection of students, which includes an interview. In that case, their selection has to be confirmed by the university before you can be accepted onto the programme. If your agency has not been approved, they can find out how to obtain approval by contacting the Social Work Programme Co-ordinator on 0131 226 3851. Alternatively the University will conduct the selection process in partnership with your employer.


No Maths or English qualifications?

If you do not have Standard Grade Two in English or Maths, or equivalent (or if you've lost your certificates), you should discuss with your employer. Your options are to: