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  3. Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
  4. Professional programme in Social Work
  5. BA (Hons) in Social Work Scotland
  6. How to apply

How to apply

Agreement with employer

You must discuss the possibility of sponsorship with your employer as you cannot apply directly to the university and you cannot study for the Social Work degree without their support. You can download our information booklet (pdf) for your employer. If they agree to sponsor you, they will need to complete a Provisional Booking Form and return it to the Programme Co-ordinator at the OU in Scotland.

Gathering your documents

Whether you are being interviewed by your employer or the OU, you will need to supply:

  • Copies of your Standard Grade certificates in English and Maths (or equivalent qualifications)
  • Personal statement

Full guidance about the documents required will be sent to your employer when they make a Provisional Booking.

Registering with the OU

Once you have been selected at interview and gathered all the necessary paperwork, you will be asked to sign an OU Registration Agreement form confirming which module(s) you wish to study in the coming year. Your employer will sign a Sponsorship Form and these two documents must be returned to the university in good time to enable us to complete your registration.

Registering with the SSSC as a student

The Scottish Social Services Council holds a workforce register on which social work students must be registered. Registration includes a Disclosure Scotland check. You will not be permitted to start the programme if you have not registered with the Council.

On successful completion of the programme of study, you will be eligible to apply for registration as a professional social worker.