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Informal carers: the role of general practitioners and district nurses

Six million informal carers provide support for aged and disabled people in the United Kingdom. Government policies suggest that primary care teams are the main support for carers. This postal survey of 300 general practitioners (GPs) and 272 district nurses (DNs) aimed to determine current practice and views on their role in supporting informal carers. In practice, GPs and DNs lack time, resources, and training to provide support, and see themselves in a reactive role only.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Evaluating community-based programs for dementia caregivers: The cost implications of adult day services

This study analyzes the short- (3 months) and long-term (1 year) cost implications of adult day care, a community-based program that has gained attention for its positive impact on dementia caregivers. A variety of costs (e.g., adult day services, formal service use, informal sources of care, employment changes) were estimated for caregivers (n = 367 at 3 months; n = 201 at 1 year). Results found that the daily costs to reduce caregivers' role overload and depression decreased with adult day service utilization over a 1-year period.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Carer involvement with drug services: a qualitative study

Background: Empirical research suggests that involving carers brings benefits to families and services. Consequently, drug-related policy and guidance has increasingly encouraged drug services to involve carers at all levels of service provision.

Objective: To explore the purpose and scope of carer involvement with adult drug services in North-east Scotland.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

A health economic model for the development and evaluation of innovations in aged care: an application to consumer-directed care-study protocol

Introduction Consumer-directed care is currently being embraced within Australia and internationally as a means of promoting autonomy and choice in the delivery of health and aged care services. Despite its wide proliferation little research has been conducted to date to assess the views and preferences of older people for consumer-directed care or to assess the costs and benefits of such an approach relative to existing models of service delivery.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Using the Roy Adaptation Model to explore the dynamics of quality of life and the relationship between lung transplant candidates and their caregivers

Using theory to support nursing research may be considered superfluous by some authors, yet a theoretical framework provides structure and consistency to a research study. This article presents the use of the Roy Adaptation Model within the theoretical framework underpinning an investigation of quality of life as perceived by lung transplant candidates and their caregivers. Each step of the research process is identified in this article and the link to the theoretical framework is demonstrated.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Scoping the field : services for carers of people with mental health problems

Mental ill health is very common. Most people with mental health problems live in the community, and as many as 1.5 million people in the UK may be involved in caring for a relative or friend with a mental illness or some form of dementia. Recent legislation and policy initiatives such as the National Strategy for Carers, and the National Service Frameworks for Mental Health and Older People emphasise the importance of providing support for this particular group of carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Carers and confidentiality in mental health care: considering the role of the carer's assessment: a study of service users', carers' and practitioners' views

Relatives or carers of people with mental health problems have criticised professionals for their failures to share information with them. This article reports on a multiple method study comprising a policy search, a survey of service users, carers and professionals, and stakeholder interviews and group events. The study found new policies that addressed the principles underpinning information sharing with carers. However, examples of good practice in professional involvement of carers that took account of carer rights and responsibilities emerged from the research.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Perspectives on symptom control in patients receiving community palliative care

To remain at home, terminally ill cancer patients need good symptom control and support from informal carers. Few studies have explored the influence of informal carers on symptom control and vice versa. This qualitative case study was carried out in a specialist palliative care service (SPCS) to explore the reasons why patients were admitted for inpatient care. Ten patients were systematically selected and the main carer and health professionals involved in their care were invited to participate.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Exploring the spiritual needs of people dying of lung cancer or heart failure: a prospective qualitative interview study of patients and their carers

Background: We set out to explore whether patients with life-threatening illnesses and their informal carers consider they experience significant spiritual needs, in the context of their overall needs, how spiritual concerns might vary by illness group and over the course of the illness, and how patients and their carers think they might be supported in addressing spiritual issues. Methods: Three-monthly qualitative interviews for up to one year with 20 patients with inoperable lung cancer and 20 patients with end-stage heart failure and their informal care

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Asian carers' perceptions of care assessment and support in the community

Within a study of the use of carer assessment forms, Asian carers were given the opportunity to describe and comment on their perceptions and experiences of community care assessment and support. Although their confidence in community care workers was not exclusively related to ethnicity, they relied a great deal on semi-informal contacts with minority ethnic workers through their own local communities. The concept of ‘friendship’ with professionals was important to many Asian carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09