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Carers in the region: a profile of the West Midlands

The Carers in the Region profiles have been commissioned by the Department of Health to provide information about carers at the regional level for each of the 9 English regions. These profiles include data on the number and characteristics of carers in each region as well as information about carer health and well-being. This profile provides information covering the West Midlands region. In 2001 there were 556,689 carers in the West Midlands region, which is 11% of the region’s population.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:24

Carers in the region: a profile of the North West

The Carers in the Region profiles have been commissioned by the Department of Health to provide information about carers at the regional level for each of the 9 English regions. These profiles include data on the number and characteristics of carers in each region as well as information about carer health and well-being. This profile provides information covering the North West region. In 2001 there were 722,122 carers in the North West region, which is 11% of the region’s population.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:24

Social care: third report of session 2009-10: volume 2: oral and written evidence

The social care system is widely seen as failing and it has long been clear that fundamental and lasting reform is necessary.  Reform is made all the more urgent as an ageing population will mean rising demand for care and support. Projected changes in demographics, availability of support from carers, unit costs of care and other factors indicate that social care in its current form will struggle to meet people's needs. Longer life need not mean more time spent in ill health. Improving public health and developing interventions for long-term conditions could pay major dividends.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Health inequalities and informal care: end of project report

This report describes research that set out to measure, monitor and evaluate health inequalities associated with the provision of unpaid care. It outlines the scope and design of the project and presents the key findings. The adverse health effects of caring are primarily psychological and often manifest themselves as symptoms of anxiety, depression and social dysfunction. Caringrelated inequalities in psychological well-being are quantifiable and significant; they are most pronounced at key turning points in the caring trajectory and in the more demanding care situations.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Carers, employment and services: Time for a new social contract?

CES Report No. 6, which should be read in conjunction with the other CES reports, presents a summary of the main findings from the CES study about carers in England, Scotland and Wales. The report highlights the implications of the study findings for the future public policy agenda on carers of working age, setting out the rationale for developing better support for this group of carers at both local and national levels.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Committed to carers: supporting carers of people at the end of life

Marie Curie campaigns to ensure that more people are able to be cared for and die at home. Previous research has shown that 63% of people would choose to die at home if they were terminally ill, however the reality in the UK is that just 21% of people die at home, while the majority (53%) die in hospital. This report describes the direct experiences of carers looking after someone at the end of life. It is based on interviews with 40 carers who were currently caring for a sick friend or relative or had been bereaved.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

8 out of 10 carers at breaking point

During National Learning Disability Week, Mencap launched its Breaking Point campaign to get more short breaks for family carers. Mencap's survey showed that 6 out of 10 carers of people with severe or profound learning disabilities surveyed by Mencap were getting no short break service. Many local authorities do not see these families as a priority. Mencap wants spending in this area to be closely checked. As part of a campaign, people emailed their MP. So far, more than 1,000 people have emailed their MP. [Journal abstract]

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Services to support carers of people with mental health problems : consultation report for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D (NCCSDO)

The aim of this report is to provide a scoping review of evaluation studies of interventions and serv ices to support carers of people with m ental health problem s, to discuss issues relating to the effectiveness and cost - effectiveness of interventions, and to provide insights into areas where there are gaps in knowledge. The report is accom panied by a second report, the Consultation Report, that docum ents a consultation exercise held with key stakeholders, including ‘key informant’ carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

Half a million voices: improving support for BAME carers

There are 500,000 Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) carers in England. This report shows that BAME carers provide more care than average. They face additional difficulties as they care, struggling with language barriers, accessing culturally appropriate services and with stereotyping around caring. This puts them at greater risk of ill health, poverty, loss of employment and social exclusion. The report analyses existing provisions and sets clear recommendations for local authorities, health and well being boards, primary care trusts and GP consortia to improve services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:23

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