From detective sergeant to small business owner – Sandy’s journey with the OU has spanned three decades and is set to continue as he progresses his studies with WELS to support a flourishing new career as an outdoor instructor and coach.
A team from The Open University, led by Dr Elizabeth Tilley, will carry out a review on end-of-life care planning with people with learning disabilities.
A special collection of articles on open education practice has been curated by the OU's Global Open Educational Resource Graduate Network, for publication in the Journal of Interactive Media in Education.
In a world first, researchers, including Professor Louise Wallace (Co-Principal Investigator) from the WELS School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care, have been funded to study the experience of witnesses who give evidence in professional conduct hearings about care provided by health and social care professionals.
With a background in Natural Sciences, Tom Witney found himself with a career dilemma: Should he ‘do Science’ or ‘do stuff about Science’? Having already undertaken an OU graduate conversion course in Psychology, Tom saw an OU PhD studentship advertised and recognised the name of the team leader as a Professor he’d cited in his dissertation. The stars seemed to be aligning and four years later he submitted his thesis.
The Open University’s TIDE project (Transformation by Innovation in Distance Education) has won the 2021 Open Practices Awards (Open Collaboration category) of the Open Education Awards for Excellence.
For many OU students the thought of a TMA, or Tutor Marked Assignment, fills them with dread. To help you overcome those fears, and kick start your assignment writing, we spoke to several WELS Tutors to get their top tips for writing essay-style TMAs.
The winners of The Farshore Reading for Pleasure Awards 2021, in association with The Open University and the UK Literacy Association (UKLA), were announced on Thursday 21 October.
OU Students Association President, Sarah Jones, is currently studying for her Masters in Education with WELS. Here, she shares with us how studying with the OU has changed her life, built her confidence and allowed her to follow in her father’s footsteps.