It is the role of the Practice Tutor to ensure that the practice environment(s) in which students learn meet the requirements of the NMC. These requirements necessitate the following actions:
The Staff Tutors Nursing/Regional Education Managers are responsible for managing and supporting Practice Tutors and for ensuring that the requirements set out above are in place for every student on the programme.
At the end of each practice module in the programme, your student must submit the Essential Information pages of their portfolio as part of the end of module summative assessment process. Your student’s Practice Tutor will be sent a copy of the portfolio to verify that it is the student’s own work. The portfolio is ‘marked’ by selected markers to ensure that all NMC requirements have been complied with. A sample of each marker's portfolios and related verification forms are selected and monitored by members of the relevant module team. At the Exam Board meeting a decision is reached as to whether each student’s portfolio meets the required standard. Students can fail a practice module if the portfolio does not meet the required standard.
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