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Useful documents

Your role as a mentor to students undertaking the Open University BSc (Hons) pre-registration nursing programme

Useful documents referred to on this site

Communications flowchart (pdf)

Student support network

NMC mentor standards (pdf)

A Guide for our Partners (pdf: see page 12 for Useful Contacts)

Block 1, Unit 1 (pdf)

Block 1, Unit 2 (pdf)

K117 Student Nursing Handbook (pdf)

Adult nursing practice profile (pdf)

Mental health nursing practice profile (pdf)

Service user care pathways (adult) (pdf)

Service user care pathways (mental health) (pdf)

Open University document on mentor compliance (pdf)

Position Statement: Student Management of Sickness and Absence (2013) (pdf)

Induction to Practice Learning Environment Checklist (pg5) (pdf)


Mentor induction videos and transcripts:

1. Pre-registration nursing with The Open University

2. Managing students' practice learning experiences

3. Supporting students in practice

4. Assessing students in practice

5. Completing the portfolio: assessing skills and competencies

6. Guidance for portfolio completion

7. Completing the portfolio: monitoring practice and absence hours


Documents for supporting students at Stage 1 in practice (2016 - 2017):

K(YN)117 Enhancing Your Healthcare Practice - Portfolio (2016) (pdf)

How to complete the Stage 1 portfolio (pptx)


Practice Learning Pathways for Stage 1:

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH Community) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult Community) (pdf)


Documents for supporting Stage 2 in practice (2016-2018):

KYN237 - Principles and Skills for Nursing Practice - Portfolio

How to complete the Stage 2 Portfolio (2016j) (pptx)


Practice Learning Pathways for Stage 2 (2016-2018):

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH Community) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult Community) (pdf)


Documents for supporting students at Stage 2 in practice (2015 – 2017):

KYN237 – Principles and Skills for Nursing Practice - Portfolio (2015) (pdf)

How to complete the Stage 2 Portfolio (2015) (pdf)


Practice Learning Pathways for Stage 2 (2015 - 2017):

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH Community) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult Community) (pdf)


Documents for supporting students at Stage 3 in practice (2015 - 2017):

KYN317 Preparing for graduate practice – Portfolio (pdf)

KYN317 Stage 3 mentor briefing – using the portfolio (pdf)


Practice Learning Pathways for Stage 3:

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) MH Nursing (Core Practice Base - MH Community) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult In-patient Services) (pdf)

PRNP BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (Core Practice Base - Adult Community) (pdf)


Next section: Roles and responsibilities