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  6. BSc (Honours) Nursing
  7. Summary


This part of the induction has given you chance to explore, in some detail, the processes and the documentation used to develop, support, guide and assess student learning in practice. You have a crucial role to play in supporting the student who is allocated to you to meet the requirements set out by the NMC and in making objective, consistent and professionally accountable judgements about their performance in practice.

There may be times when a student, despite high levels of personal motivation and excellent, structured support from their mentor, practice supervisor and Practice Tutor, is unable to meet the requirements specified by the NMC. Assuming that all reasonable and practicable actions have been taken to promote the student’s learning in practice, but achievement falls short of the standards set by the university on behalf of the NMC, then you must act to protect the public and fail the student. This decision can be a difficult one to make, but remember that should you find yourself in this position, you will be well supported by your Practice Tutor and by the Staff Tutor/Regional Education Manager in your region or nation office.


So now you have completed this part of the induction do you feel able to:

  • recall the purpose and structure of the three formal meetings
  • identify those sections of the portfolio that you, in discussion with your student, are responsible for completing
  • review and record your student’s progress, using the student’s portfolio to structure these processes
  • apply the criteria, set out in the programme’s assessment framework, to make competent and reliable judgements about student learning in practice
  • use the student’s portfolio to guide and monitor student progress throughout the relevant practice module
  • explain how The Open University quality assures the assessment of students’ learning in practice.

Next section: Supporting the mentor