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  6. BSc (Honours) Nursing
  7. Practice learning
  8. Raising concerns

Raising concerns

Occasionally students may be exposed to approaches to care which appear to contravene agreed standards of safe practice. ‘Safe practice’ is defined as practice that does not compromise the physical, psychological and/or cultural wellbeing of clients of health and social care. In the context of:

  • the service provider’s clinical governance processes
  • the NMCs responsibility to protect the public
  • the accountability of approved institutions and individual registrants to the NMC.

Both the OU and its partners must investigate any expressions shared about qualification-related practice incidents. Please refer any such concerns to the practice tutor in the first instance, who will advise you about how the matter should be taken forward. The NMC provide information on raising and escalating concerns and safeguarding, resources are available on the NMC website.

Next section: The practice learning structure