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  4. Nursing at the Open University
  5. Nursing programme
  6. BSc (Honours) Nursing
  7. Roles and responsibilities
  8. Roles and responsibilities of managers

Roles and responsibilities of managers

Students’ line managers:

  • Undertake to support students, prior to their commencement on and throughout the duration of the programme
  • Identify a suitable mentor for the student in the core practice-base. As the student and the mentor are usually work colleagues, employed in the same practice area, it is essential that the relationship between them is both professional and objective. Managers have an important role in ensuring appropriate mentor allocation
  • Ensure mentors meet the NMC mentor standard (NMC 2008, page 21 section 2.1.1) (pdf)
  • Support the preparation of the student’s work-team to effectively facilitate the learning and development of students undertaking the OU pre-registration nursing programme
  • Ensure that students practise according to the organisation’s local policies and procedures
  • Continue to fulfil employer/employee line management responsibilities: for example
    • monitor sickness and absence and report any concerns to the Practice Tutor
    • ensure that supernumerary status is upheld and that students do not deliberately or inadvertently revert to their health care worker role during student nurse practice hours
    • Ensure the work-team respect their colleague’s student role
    • Mediate any role transition issues between the students and their peers.
Next section: Roles of service users