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  6. BSc (Honours) Nursing
  7. Roles and responsibilities
  8. Roles and responsibilities of the Module Tutor

Roles and responsibilities of the Module Tutor

All our Module Tutors:

  • Are appointed by the university and have a suitable qualification and expertise to deliver the module that they are contracted to teach.
    – Four modules in the pre-registration nursing programme are entirely theoretical, and so may be taught by tutors who are not nurses. For example we employ clinical psychologists, scientists and allied health professionals, all of whom use their specialist expertise to facilitate students’ learning.
    – Three modules are designed specifically to develop students’ nursing practice and these have to be taught by registered nurses who hold a teaching qualification which is recordable with the NMC or working towards its achievement.
  • Are responsible for supporting students’ academic learning and development. This includes:
    – Delivering tutorials, which may be face to face or by real time conversation over the internet
    – Facilitating on-line forums, supporting professional discussion and debate
    – Providing one to one support by email or telephoneGuiding students in the development of study skills such as referencing, literature searching and assignment writing
    – Preparing students to write assignments and take examinations
    – Providing developmental feedback on module assignments, which includes supporting the development of study skills, tutoring students to increase their professional knowledge and understanding and determining the grade awarded.

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