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  4. Nursing at the Open University
  5. Nursing programme
  6. BSc (Honours) Nursing
  7. Roles and responsibilities
  8. Roles of service users

Roles of service users

Service users play a significant role in developing module materials and in the recruitment and selection of students to the programme. Their views are also sought regarding students’ performance in practice.

Mentors should:

  • Seek feedback from service users about students’ performance in practice, focusing on
    – the effectiveness of their communication
    – their demonstration of a compassionate approach
    – aspects of care they do well
    – other skills students might develop that would enhance their practice
  • Record the service users’ feedback using the form provided in the student’s portfolio.

By the end of the programme at least six service users should have provided feedback to mentors regarding students’ practice skills delivery and development.

Next section: Roles and responsibilities of student nurses